Curiosity is what drives me. It has taken me around the world, where different cultures opened up new ways of thinking and gave me different, refreshing, perspectives. Central to this curiosity is my love for people and nature.
The pollution I encountered during my travels, motivated me to head in the direction of ‘’sustainability’’ and more specifically Circular Economy and biomimicry. The idea of using 3.8 billion years of R&D and mimicking successful natural models like the one used in Circular economy, an economy where there is no waste and where everything is cyclical, just made sense.
In nature you’ll find a lot of things that are complex and simple at the same time. In my work I use the same approach and combine creativity and common sense to come up with ‘’simple’’ solutions to seemingly complex situations. In these solutions’ feasibility is the most important aspect. No execution, no change, no gratification.
I guess that, in the end, I just enjoy paying my little contribution to a more sustainable and more social future where nature and people come before money.


Bas Hillerström
Vlijekreek 11
4465 AK, Goes
The Netherlands
kvk nummer: 77018400